Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


What is “a Fresh Start”?

When most people think about a “fresh start,” they bring to mind a complicated series of choices and actions they can take to change their lives. Often that leads to frustration or discouragement because it seems like a big deal to people who are struggling with life. As I work with clients wanting to change, I realize that they are missing the true and only real source of change, a change in their own state of mind and level of understanding that allows them to see life through “new” eyes. It...

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Compassion? Or Oneness?

Bear with me on this: I don’t think compassion is the feeling that arises from an understanding of the universal, connected, shared spiritual energy of all humanity. One of the most profound passages in Sydney Banks’ The Missing Link is: “All human psyches are rooted in universal truth and no person’s psyche is better than any other’s. Only to the degree of the individual’s psychological and spiritual understanding does it appear to vary.” Another way to say this is that, fundamentally, all human beings are the same. We look different on the outside because of...

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Mental health is our birthright. Mental health is innate. We can’t lose our natural mental health, only lose sight of it. Mental health is a spiritual fact; it is intrinsic to human nature. Those of us who are practitioners of Innate Health know that, and when we say it from the depths of our own knowledge, it resonates with people. Yet, somehow, it remains elusive. The immutable truth of it, the inarguable fact of mental health, never harmed, never lost, is still hiding in plain sight. We are operating in a system...

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Letting Go

In the past month, I stumbled into the subtle pride of expectations. When something has seemed true and reliable for a long time, we paint it into the background of our story and let it dry. For me, it was being strong, independent, and in charge of my own life. If I thought about myself at all, I envisioned myself living productively through all my decades, always doing the work I love, always enjoying energy, and always self-sufficient. It did not cross my mind that all the seemingly settled "forms"...

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Do thoughts even matter?

  Over the many years I have worked with people seeking peace of mind, three questions consistently arise. (1) Once you SEE that thoughts are transitory, that all thoughts just pass through our minds unless we hang onto them, do thoughts even matter? (2) Given that thoughts passing through our minds sometimes seem random, does it really mean anything to think, or that we think?   Can't we just live in peace allowing whatever thoughts arise to just come and go?  (3) Are we really the thinkers, or just the vessels through...

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The infinity of possibility

The human mind has no limits. We can create anything. We can imagine unseen worlds. We can dream far beyond our knowledge. We can conceive responses to any challenge. We are dynamic players in an infinity of possibility. The promise of this for all of humanity, no matter how haltingly realized, is the eternal hope for thriving beyond survival. At any moment, an insight might bubble up in anyone that provides a solution to vexing problems. Right now, someone is conceiving how to transcend discord between cultures and individuals.  An answer...

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