Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


Living a Dream

We are always living a dream. We cannot experience anything without thinking it first. Whatever thoughts we bring to mind create our experience, which lasts only as long as they are brought to mind. Our thoughts are uniquely our own; no two thinkers arrive at precisely the same thoughts, although many people can share a predilection for certain kinds of thoughts. So each life, truly, is a particular dream, experienced as it unfolds through each person's thinking. One of the first statements I saw from Sydney Banks is: "Life is a divine dream,...

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True Change: Beyond the Illusion

We all change a lot over time. We grow from babyhood through childhood and adulthood to old age, with all the physical and mental changes that accompany life stages. We gain and lose weight. We get in shape; we get out of shape. We change our hair. We adopt new styles. We change locations. We change relationships. We change professions. We change financial status. We change our preferences. We change our politics. We change our reading habits. We change our minds in the face of new information. Those "changes" are all illusions...

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Joy to the World!

I wish Joy to the world, not only during this holiday season, but always. Joy is the deeply beautiful feeling that connects us to all of life, beyond our differences and before our fears. It is innate to all people, and readily accessible, but, like a rainbow peeking through storm clouds, easily obscured or overlooked. It is born of quietude, a mind at peace, immersed in the present. We fall into joy naturally. The feeling wells up from within our spirit as we simply allow our minds to come to rest. Regardless of...

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Common Sense or Fear? Our choice.

Every time we get new information, we have a choice what to make of it. That choice has nothing to do with the information. It has to do with whether we understand how we bring our own thinking to life as reality. We don't choose the first thought that comes to mind. But every subsequent related thought and what we make of it is strictly up to us. The more deeply we understand our own spiritual nature, that we are generating our life experience by bringing thoughts to mind and then taking them more...

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No need to fix everything!

Lately I've talked with several clients who are sure that "fixing" something in their circumstances will bring them happiness. One is determined to find a job in a bigger city, where she thinks it will be "more fun" to live. One is trying to find a new set of room-mates and a new apartment because she thinks she needs to be with people who are nicer to her to be comfortable at home. Another is worried about the danger of living within 100 miles of a major US military installation and wants to move...

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What is really real?

"If we all are always creating separate realities, then what is really real?" That is one of the most frequent questions I get as a Principles practitioner. People want to know how we dare even imply that catastrophe, death, weather -- everything going on -- is not really real. People who are suffering, grieving, or longing demand to know how we dare suggest those bleak feelings aren't really real. Those questions come from what has already been created and is playing out in our awareness. They are about the movie that...

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