Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

Emotional Freedom

Finding the Heart of Well-being

Early in my life, a lot of things bothered me, a lot of things made me happy, a lot of things made me sad, a lot of things upset me, a lot of things amused me. My feelings and my moods were constantly batted around by whatever was going on. An "A" on a tough exam? I felt fabulous. Someone yelled at me? I felt crushed. Something I was counting on fell through? I felt disappointed. Someone sent me an unexpected gift? I was elated. You get the idea. I...

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Wisdom is Well-being

Years ago, a colleague who was the CEO of a large health care corporation started an informal retreat at a health leadership event we were co-facilitating by describing the experience of well-being across the life span we all could enjoy. To engage the conversation, he drew a diagram that looked like the one pictured above. He explained his idea that as mind-body-spirits in harmony, we could grow into realizing our optimal experience of well-being on a steep upward trajectory through childhood, as we come to understand life and gain independence, then...

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Coming to Peace after Going to War

Let me define what I mean by "coming to peace" and by "going to war." I do not refer to time and place, or to actual events. I refer to the different mindsets, and the states of mind, that support the experience of  peace and the readiness for war. All veterans, around the world, whether they have ever seen conflict or faced an enemy directly, come home ultimately after spending a lot of time in the mindset of uncertainty, risk, readiness, intent to follow orders/training without reflection or question, and awareness...

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Time is Thought

Most of us think of time as “real,” as a measurement of where we are in our day, our week … our life. It comes as a surprise to realize that time is actually where we are in our thoughts, no matter where we are chronologically in our day, our week … our life. I have seen this again and again working with clients: The woman who spent most of her days angrily rehashing her violent marriage, which had ended five years before I met her. The young woman who relived...

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Finding Ease, Loving Life

In my young adulthood, I looked at life as binary. There was “real life,” filled with stress, anxiety, pressure, obligations, exhaustion, responsibilities, demands. And there was the occasional “vacation,” when all that real life stuff was set aside and, for a brief time, days were filled with quietude, fun, ease, relaxation, and enjoyment of beauty. On vacation, you renewed your love of life. In real life, you dealt with frustration and disappointment. Oh, well. That was the price of adulthood and success, I thought. The goal seemed to be to...

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Allowing Life

  How many times every day do we get the message that we’re not in charge of the events that happen to and around us? We can choose the day for our family picnic, but we have no control over the wind or rain; we can decide to accept an invitation to speak at a friend’s wedding, but we cannot control whether we come down with laryngitis the day of the ceremony; we can promise to be at a job interview on time, but we cannot control whether we have a...

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