Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


Coming to Peace after Going to War

Let me define what I mean by "coming to peace" and by "going to war." I do not refer to time and place, or to actual events. I refer to the different mindsets, and the states of mind, that support the experience of  peace and the readiness for war. All veterans, around the world, whether they have ever seen conflict or faced an enemy directly, come home ultimately after spending a lot of time in the mindset of uncertainty, risk, readiness, intent to follow orders/training without reflection or question, and awareness...

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Reawakening Civility

Across the world, it often seems Civility has gone to sleep. Angry, even vengeful, Clamor seems to be the dominant voice. What we hear a lot of now is loud and forceful and menacing. It appears powerful as it happens. But it is not natural to humanity. And it represents only the power of thought when it flows through insecurity. The power itself is neutral; how we are using it determines how it manifests. The same power flowing through love is even more stirring. As I listen to what too often passes...

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When do thoughts matter?

When do thoughts matter? Always, and never. Thoughts always matter because our thoughts generate our perceptions and experiences. All we ever know of life is what we think in every moment. Thoughts never matter because they are fleeting images we create in our own minds.  They have no weight or consequence that we don’t give to them. Understanding that we are the authors of our thoughts and it is always up to us how seriously to take them, how long to entertain them, and what significance to give the experiences they engender is...

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Right and Wrong: Painful Thoughts

Many of my clients are intensely engaged in a fruitless, frustrating effort to prove others wrong, or to get others to say or do what they expect. They come in angry and resentful because these people are “ruining” their life or “making” them miserable. They hang their happiness on getting what they think they “need” from people they who have “let them down”. “When”, I always ask them, “is the last time you complied with an angry, accusatory person who insisted that you do or say something?” The usual response is, “Huh?”...

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Cure Seriousness! Lighten Up!

Avoid being afflicted with Seriousness. It's debilitating. It brings people down. It hurts. It takes all the fun out of life as long as you have it. It can linger a long time. It can lead to health complications. It's much worse than the flu. I talked to a client recently who clearly manifested that he had suffered from Seriousness for more than 40 years. He had the medical and life history to prove it. He cried a lot in the beginning of our session. His story included abusive parents, painful childhood, two abusive marriages;...

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War and Peace

It is ultimately a matter of war and peace whether people across the world come to understand the role of their own and others' thinking and fluctuating states of mind. One person at a time, when someone comes to understand how thought works and what is creating their experience of reality, they become increasingly secure. When a person feels secure, not living at the mercy of external factors, life does not look threatening. Secure people remain calm and exercise judgment, and look for insight and wisdom, rather than reacting or over-reacting...

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