Hello. I’m Judy Sedgeman. My life’s passion for more than three decades has been nurturing the natural peace of mind, resiliency, and well-being in people through the understanding the Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought. To put it simply, seeing the Principles leads us to “Aha! moments” about how our unfolding experience of life is generated from our power to think — to imagine and interpret. When we realize how we are constantly creating our own experience, we find that perpetual access to peace and ease is within us.
In addition to the Three Principles work I do through Sedgeman Consulting, LLC (see Services), I co-produce a podcast and weekly groups with my colleague Christine Heath called Psychology Has It Backwards; I maintain a self-directed online Innate Health program for Veterans, available free to anyone; I am often a guest facilitator for webinars globally. I offer a program, A Partnership of Health, for emerging Principles practitioners a few times a year.
I served as the Director of the Institute for Public Policy and Leadership at USF Sarasota-Manatee for two years, departing that position in January 2012 to devote myself more to global outreach in Innate Health. Before that, I spent nearly 12 years on the faculty of the West Virginia University School of Medicine, where I was Director of an Institute dedicated to Innate Health, and where I developed and taught courses for the Master’s Program in Public Health. Prior to that I was an Associate with Pransky and Associates in LaConner, WA for nine years.
You can see my full resume here and a more complete university Curriculum Vitae here, but what I most want to communicate is my dedication to sharing the possibility for all people to eliminate stress and access wisdom and resiliency, regardless of circumstances.
When I joined WVU, before there was such a thing as a Blog, I wrote essays called “Reflections” for an e-mail subscription list (proud to say it was the most heavily subscribed list at WVU in its day). You can find a selection of those essays, which were meant to awaken the idea of Innate Health and its significance to the growing Wellness field, here. They were often requested by people as handouts. I found as many ways as possible at the university to point people to the profound, yet practical, impact of understanding human psychological functioning and the deeper spiritual nature of being human. I have enormous gratitude for the privilege of seeing people blossom, as they recognize their own power and resilience, and find ease and joy. I’m thrilled to be able talk about it in my Blog, and to continue to offer services to people looking to rediscover peace of mind.
What I know for sure is that nothing can break the human spirit, although we can think ourselves into feeling temporarily dispirited. The gift of the Principles is that change comes through our own insight. We have infinite potential to break free from the limits of our thoughts.