Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

Mental Health

Finding the Heart of Well-being

Early in my life, a lot of things bothered me, a lot of things made me happy, a lot of things made me sad, a lot of things upset me, a lot of things amused me. My feelings and my moods were constantly batted around by whatever was going on. An "A" on a tough exam? I felt fabulous. Someone yelled at me? I felt crushed. Something I was counting on fell through? I felt disappointed. Someone sent me an unexpected gift? I was elated. You get the idea. I...

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No One is Special (Everyone is Fine)

The drive for recognition, for specialness, is a denial of our true nature. We cannot make ourselves more special than our birthright as spiritual beings, gifted with the precious capacities to create, change, and enjoy our lives and fulfill all the dreams we can dream. We cannot top the the power that carries us into, and eventually out of and once more beyond, this world. So the use of our gifts to try to be more than the best we can each be moment-to-moment as we fulfill our life looks, to...

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Mental health is our birthright. Mental health is innate. We can’t lose our natural mental health, only lose sight of it. Mental health is a spiritual fact; it is intrinsic to human nature. Those of us who are practitioners of Innate Health know that, and when we say it from the depths of our own knowledge, it resonates with people. Yet, somehow, it remains elusive. The immutable truth of it, the inarguable fact of mental health, never harmed, never lost, is still hiding in plain sight. We are operating in a system...

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The Common Human Denominator

If we understand where our reality comes from, we can change the world. This is what would set humanity free to love and thrive, regardless of differences. We are born without judgment, at the dawn of our ability to form ideas and images. Babies create their beliefs about the world mimicking what they see around them, and experimenting with their imaginations. If you've been around toddlers, you know they babble their way through fantastical stories and plans, and they innocently blur the lines between truth and lies because they aren't concerned...

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The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

Many of the clients who come to me have been through a lot of therapy, and some are still seeing psychiatrists, primarily for prescription refills. As they pass through my door one by one, I feel increasingly compelled to cry out, heart and soul, for re-thinking our assumptions about mental illness and mental health, for embracing a whole new definition of mental health. Here is just one example. A young woman I have seen intermittently over a few months has come a long way since we've been talking. Over years of...

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Right and Wrong: Painful Thoughts

Many of my clients are intensely engaged in a fruitless, frustrating effort to prove others wrong, or to get others to say or do what they expect. They come in angry and resentful because these people are “ruining” their life or “making” them miserable. They hang their happiness on getting what they think they “need” from people they who have “let them down”. “When”, I always ask them, “is the last time you complied with an angry, accusatory person who insisted that you do or say something?” The usual response is, “Huh?”...

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