Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


It’s Never Too Late

I've been writing stuff since I was a little girl; I always thought of myself as a writer. But until 2019, I never wrote a book. Many of my friends have written lots of books; people have kept asking me why I didn't write one; I've thought about it often over many years, sometimes even agonized over it. I've started a couple of books, then abandoned the projects. I've helped other people write their books. Now, here I am with my first published book. I can hardly believe it myself....

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Reawakening Civility

Across the world, it often seems Civility has gone to sleep. Angry, even vengeful, Clamor seems to be the dominant voice. What we hear a lot of now is loud and forceful and menacing. It appears powerful as it happens. But it is not natural to humanity. And it represents only the power of thought when it flows through insecurity. The power itself is neutral; how we are using it determines how it manifests. The same power flowing through love is even more stirring. As I listen to what too often passes...

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Compassion? Or Oneness?

Bear with me on this: I don’t think compassion is the feeling that arises from an understanding of the universal, connected, shared spiritual energy of all humanity. One of the most profound passages in Sydney Banks’ The Missing Link is: “All human psyches are rooted in universal truth and no person’s psyche is better than any other’s. Only to the degree of the individual’s psychological and spiritual understanding does it appear to vary.” Another way to say this is that, fundamentally, all human beings are the same. We look different on the outside because of...

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