Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


Wisdom is Well-being

Years ago, a colleague who was the CEO of a large health care corporation started an informal retreat at a health leadership event we were co-facilitating by describing the experience of well-being across the life span we all could enjoy. To engage the conversation, he drew a diagram that looked like the one pictured above. He explained his idea that as mind-body-spirits in harmony, we could grow into realizing our optimal experience of well-being on a steep upward trajectory through childhood, as we come to understand life and gain independence, then...

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Letting Go

In the past month, I stumbled into the subtle pride of expectations. When something has seemed true and reliable for a long time, we paint it into the background of our story and let it dry. For me, it was being strong, independent, and in charge of my own life. If I thought about myself at all, I envisioned myself living productively through all my decades, always doing the work I love, always enjoying energy, and always self-sufficient. It did not cross my mind that all the seemingly settled "forms"...

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What is really real?

"If we all are always creating separate realities, then what is really real?" That is one of the most frequent questions I get as a Principles practitioner. People want to know how we dare even imply that catastrophe, death, weather -- everything going on -- is not really real. People who are suffering, grieving, or longing demand to know how we dare suggest those bleak feelings aren't really real. Those questions come from what has already been created and is playing out in our awareness. They are about the movie that...

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The truth about “reality” (It’s what you think)

Principles are true whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not, whether we even know about them or not. Principles are the essential logic of the universe. As we discover them, things that were confusing suddenly make sense. Think of little children before they have recognized the principle of addition. If you ask a toddler who is playing with some friends how many cookies you should bring in so he and each of his friends can have one, the answer is likely to be something like...

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Wisely using our power to…

In every waking moment of every day, every one of us is using our incredible power of thought to heal -- or not. That sounds black and white, considering the infinitude of thoughts that come to mind. But, when you step back and look, moment-to-moment, life is black and white. We are either moving in the direction of  calmer, wiser,  more insightful thinking, or moving in the direction of anxious, habitual, less functional thinking. Our guidance system is not the content of our thoughts, but the feeling state we are...

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Squandering Our Power

Across the developed world, environmentalists have gotten our attention about power. We use energy efficient light bulbs, appliances and devices. We turn things off. We adjust our home thermometers not to waste power when and where no one needs to be warm or cool. We care about gas mileage. We recycle. We are increasingly committed to conserve  and use the power we have wisely in every aspect of our lives...

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