Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


The Happiness Factor

Evidence is mounting that the prevention and treatment of chronic disease states is not only enhanced by the elimination of stress, but empowered by the experience of happiness. A good brief  summary is in the Harvard Public Health Review. There is an evolving body of serious medical and psychological literature  that points towards the health significance of a proactive intention to create happiness. Happiness bolsters the immune system, promotes well-being and longevity, and fosters healing. The Harvard article points out that the toll of toxic stress goes far beyond poorer health for individuals. Population-wide,...

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No Stress, No Matter What

Does it seem like a fantastical pipe dream that people could go through life without chronic stress, no matter what was happening in the world around them? Regardless of turmoil, disappointment, loss, pain, horror, chaos? No chronic stress? None? Really? Yes. No chronic stress. None. Really. And what a remarkably more comfortable world it might be! Despite circumstances, unpredictability, disaster, mayhem, people could quickly get over their initial reactions and respond with grace, dignity and wisdom. Grace: not falling apart in the face of things, but having quiet, clear perspective. Dignity: not...

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When is “now?”

We have many expressions to describe time, but in truth, there is only one actual experience of time: Now. This moment. Then, the past, is a memory, which only can enter now as a thought carried forward by our minds. Later, the future, is imagination, which can only enter now as a thought projected by our minds. . Now is life as we live it, moment-to-moment. Now is the moment entering our experience via thought, illuminated by the senses as our reality. When then and later push their way into now, they dilute, diminish or extinguish the...

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A few days ago, I was privileged to lead the "Reflection" section of a board retreat. Two things were clear. First, people love having an opportunity to reflect; as soon as you talk about it, you can feel a quiet settling down, like a happy sigh. Second,  intuitively, given that opportunity, people step outside the "business" room and create a space for themselves where there is serene beauty, whether it be outside, or by a window, or even sitting near a painting. Reflection comes naturally to us and we ease...

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One of my students recently said, "I'm so busy, I don't have time to be quiet." What, I wondered, does time have to do with quiet? Time is a construct of thought, a made up measure. Quiet is a state, a deep feeling, not constricted within the boundaries of time. "Well, I'm never quiet unless I have time to unwind," she said. "I have no idea how to be quiet and busy at the same time. I'm not even sure I'd want to. I have so much to do I'm afraid I'd...

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