Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD


Reawakening Civility

Across the world, it often seems Civility has gone to sleep. Angry, even vengeful, Clamor seems to be the dominant voice. What we hear a lot of now is loud and forceful and menacing. It appears powerful as it happens. But it is not natural to humanity. And it represents only the power of thought when it flows through insecurity. The power itself is neutral; how we are using it determines how it manifests. The same power flowing through love is even more stirring. As I listen to what too often passes...

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No One is Special (Everyone is Fine)

The drive for recognition, for specialness, is a denial of our true nature. We cannot make ourselves more special than our birthright as spiritual beings, gifted with the precious capacities to create, change, and enjoy our lives and fulfill all the dreams we can dream. We cannot top the the power that carries us into, and eventually out of and once more beyond, this world. So the use of our gifts to try to be more than the best we can each be moment-to-moment as we fulfill our life looks, to...

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War and Peace

It is ultimately a matter of war and peace whether people across the world come to understand the role of their own and others' thinking and fluctuating states of mind. One person at a time, when someone comes to understand how thought works and what is creating their experience of reality, they become increasingly secure. When a person feels secure, not living at the mercy of external factors, life does not look threatening. Secure people remain calm and exercise judgment, and look for insight and wisdom, rather than reacting or over-reacting...

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Common Sense or Fear? Our choice.

Every time we get new information, we have a choice what to make of it. That choice has nothing to do with the information. It has to do with whether we understand how we bring our own thinking to life as reality. We don't choose the first thought that comes to mind. But every subsequent related thought and what we make of it is strictly up to us. The more deeply we understand our own spiritual nature, that we are generating our life experience by bringing thoughts to mind and then taking them more...

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Just being happy I'll bet you can't watch a few seconds of the above video without breaking into a smile, and if you keep watching, I'll bet you start to laugh, too. Laughter is contagious. People who are laughing together aren't thinking about their differences, but joining each other in the common human experience of just enjoying the moment. Laughter is an expression of happiness, a beautiful ordinary feeling that arises within us readily when we aren't focused on thinking that keeps it at bay. It didn't take much research to find out there...

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What ever happened to peace and love?

What ever happened to peace and love? The answer is nothing has ever happened to peace and love. Peace and love are constants of the nature of all mankind.  Peace and love are the spiritual essence of humanity. Then how do we explain the murderous rage, the boiling resentment, the hatred of "others" spreading across the world? Those things have nothing to do with our spiritual nature. They are the products of insecure thinking unrestrained, misleading multitudes into vortices of fear. It looks hopeless to many that mankind will ever live at peace, that...

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