Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

fear Tag

Common Sense or Fear? Our choice.

Every time we get new information, we have a choice what to make of it. That choice has nothing to do with the information. It has to do with whether we understand how we bring our own thinking to life as reality. We don't choose the first thought that comes to mind. But every subsequent related thought and what we make of it is strictly up to us. The more deeply we understand our own spiritual nature, that we are generating our life experience by bringing thoughts to mind and then taking them more...

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What ever happened to peace and love?

What ever happened to peace and love? The answer is nothing has ever happened to peace and love. Peace and love are constants of the nature of all mankind.  Peace and love are the spiritual essence of humanity. Then how do we explain the murderous rage, the boiling resentment, the hatred of "others" spreading across the world? Those things have nothing to do with our spiritual nature. They are the products of insecure thinking unrestrained, misleading multitudes into vortices of fear. It looks hopeless to many that mankind will ever live at peace, that...

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Squandering Our Power

Across the developed world, environmentalists have gotten our attention about power. We use energy efficient light bulbs, appliances and devices. We turn things off. We adjust our home thermometers not to waste power when and where no one needs to be warm or cool. We care about gas mileage. We recycle. We are increasingly committed to conserve  and use the power we have wisely in every aspect of our lives...

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Ask the deeper questions

A flood of questions follows horrifying actions like the Boston Marathon bombing. Who is to blame? How did it happen? Why? Could we have stopped it? Can we keep it from happening again? We analyze each incident with an excruciatingly complex compilation of details. We hope for answers from the accumulation of minutiae. Shouldn't we also ask the deeper questions, the questions that would generalize specific events to insights about the universal nature of fury, hatred, alienation, dissociation in human beings? Have we taken seriously the critical need to truly understand...

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Why facts don’t matter

Last week among my Facebook and Twitter friends across the U.S., commentary exploded after the Portable and Affordable Health Care Act (detractors call it "Obamacare") was declared Constitutional and thus the law of the land. Those who were delighted to see that millions of uninsured Americans would be able to get insurance and receive health care cheered and shared their enthusiasm. Those who were devastated to see that millions of uninsured Americans would have no choice but to have  insurance or pay a penalty jeered and shared their dismay. And...

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What Price Insecurity?

When we say we all have ups and downs, we're really saying that we are more or less insecure. What is insecurity? As a feeling state, it is uncertainty, discomfort, anxiety. It is  out of sorts, out of synch, out of control. We try to ease insecurity by clinging to the familiar, asserting whatever control we can, avoiding risk, rejecting change, blaming others or circumstances. Where does insecurity come from? It comes from negative, fearful, unsettling, self-conscious thinking taken seriously. More importantly, where does it appear to come from? It appears...

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