Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

fresh ideas Tag

Time is Thought

Most of us think of time as “real,” as a measurement of where we are in our day, our week … our life. It comes as a surprise to realize that time is actually where we are in our thoughts, no matter where we are chronologically in our day, our week … our life. I have seen this again and again working with clients: The woman who spent most of her days angrily rehashing her violent marriage, which had ended five years before I met her. The young woman who relived...

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Reawakening Civility

Across the world, it often seems Civility has gone to sleep. Angry, even vengeful, Clamor seems to be the dominant voice. What we hear a lot of now is loud and forceful and menacing. It appears powerful as it happens. But it is not natural to humanity. And it represents only the power of thought when it flows through insecurity. The power itself is neutral; how we are using it determines how it manifests. The same power flowing through love is even more stirring. As I listen to what too often passes...

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What is “a Fresh Start”?

When most people think about a “fresh start,” they bring to mind a complicated series of choices and actions they can take to change their lives. Often that leads to frustration or discouragement because it seems like a big deal to people who are struggling with life. As I work with clients wanting to change, I realize that they are missing the true and only real source of change, a change in their own state of mind and level of understanding that allows them to see life through “new” eyes. It...

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One Problem; One Solution

A beautiful thing happened the last weekend in May, thanks to those with the vision to hold the first “One Solution” conference in Oslo, Norway. In one weekend, they elevated onto the world stage the absolute simplicity and power of the answer offered by a true understanding of how the mind works. Although I could not attend because of a commitment, I watched what I could of the live stream, and, on the very first night, I had an Aha! moment about all of us (“all of us” being the handful...

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Is It Easy to Be Happy?

Recently I saw a new client who sobbed at the outset, "I don't see how I will ever be happy again!" An hour later, as she left, she was laughing. "I've sure been a big drama queen with all that serious thinking, haven't I?" she said. How does a shift like that happen? In the simplest terms, it is the natural outcome of what Principles practitioners do that is new to treatment. We don't take unhappiness seriously. We point people to the true, constant, unfailing, spiritual source of human happiness that nothing can touch....

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Listen for a feeling

I will never forget the first time I sat in a big conference where Sydney Banks was speaking and heard him say, "Don't listen to my words; listen for a feeling." It was very early on in my exposure to the Principles, and I came close to fleeing the room.  As a hard-working, hard-charging business person in a service business, who had been a tough-minded newspaper reporter, I was highly educated and well-trained to listen to and pay close attention to words. Every word mattered. Getting people's words "right" mattered.  I had a Master's...

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