Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

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Dancing the Universe

This applies to things large and small. Universal, global, and personal. Everything. Everything, from the entire universe to the tiniest particle of matter is pulsing with one energy, the energy of creation. The energy of life that flows through us is the same energy that vibrates through galaxies, enables the wriggles of worms and the spinning of atoms and the explosion of supernovas. Every fleeting form is generated from that energy, so everything is energetically connected, all one spiritual dynamic. You don’t need to be a physicist to imagine this, although physics...

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Cure Seriousness! Lighten Up!

Avoid being afflicted with Seriousness. It's debilitating. It brings people down. It hurts. It takes all the fun out of life as long as you have it. It can linger a long time. It can lead to health complications. It's much worse than the flu. I talked to a client recently who clearly manifested that he had suffered from Seriousness for more than 40 years. He had the medical and life history to prove it. He cried a lot in the beginning of our session. His story included abusive parents, painful childhood, two abusive marriages;...

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No need to fix everything!

Lately I've talked with several clients who are sure that "fixing" something in their circumstances will bring them happiness. One is determined to find a job in a bigger city, where she thinks it will be "more fun" to live. One is trying to find a new set of room-mates and a new apartment because she thinks she needs to be with people who are nicer to her to be comfortable at home. Another is worried about the danger of living within 100 miles of a major US military installation and wants to move...

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“What’s wrong with me?”

Since I have begun seeing clients one-on-one as a Mental Health Mentor, the most frequent questions they ask in the first session are: "What's wrong with me? How did  this happen? Why can't  anyone explain to me what happened to my mind?" For the most part, they've had a lot of therapy. And they've been given diagnoses. But  diagnoses do not explain. Diagnoses describe and label symptom sets. What's eating at people are the WHY? questions. Why can't I just be OK again? How did I go wrong? How do people get chemical...

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What ever happened to peace and love?

What ever happened to peace and love? The answer is nothing has ever happened to peace and love. Peace and love are constants of the nature of all mankind.  Peace and love are the spiritual essence of humanity. Then how do we explain the murderous rage, the boiling resentment, the hatred of "others" spreading across the world? Those things have nothing to do with our spiritual nature. They are the products of insecure thinking unrestrained, misleading multitudes into vortices of fear. It looks hopeless to many that mankind will ever live at peace, that...

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Who do you trust?

The wonderful thing about knowledge is it is not absolute. Throughout a life of learning, we think one thing is true, and then we learn more, see more, understand more -- and we change our thinking. Again and again. When I was little, I thought there was a man in the moon. By the time I was in 4th grade, I knew that the moon was a hunk of space dust and rock and that the "man" was an accident of its geography. By the time I was in college,...

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