Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

insecurity Tag

Smarter? or Wiser?

I've been involved in many situations where leaders were smarter than most of the people they were trying to influence, but were oblivious to the fact they were no wiser. That doesn't  work out very well. Being "the smartest person in the room" creates an opportunity for the leader to find the humility that enters hand-in-hand with wisdom. First of all, wisdom is the great equalizer.  All human beings have access to wisdom; no one person is innately wiser than another. It's always possible to sort people out by "smartness", but...

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Why facts don’t matter

Last week among my Facebook and Twitter friends across the U.S., commentary exploded after the Portable and Affordable Health Care Act (detractors call it "Obamacare") was declared Constitutional and thus the law of the land. Those who were delighted to see that millions of uninsured Americans would be able to get insurance and receive health care cheered and shared their enthusiasm. Those who were devastated to see that millions of uninsured Americans would have no choice but to have  insurance or pay a penalty jeered and shared their dismay. And...

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Too Good to be True?

I shared some written stories and a video about people who had an insight about being the thinkers of their own thoughts, not the victims of circumstances, with someone new to the ideas of Innate Health recently.  His response was, "Yeah, I read the stories and I watched that video and I gave it a lot of thought. It's not that I don't believe that these are real people genuinely saying what they think happened to them. It's just that as far as I'm concerned, I think it's too good...

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What Price Insecurity?

When we say we all have ups and downs, we're really saying that we are more or less insecure. What is insecurity? As a feeling state, it is uncertainty, discomfort, anxiety. It is  out of sorts, out of synch, out of control. We try to ease insecurity by clinging to the familiar, asserting whatever control we can, avoiding risk, rejecting change, blaming others or circumstances. Where does insecurity come from? It comes from negative, fearful, unsettling, self-conscious thinking taken seriously. More importantly, where does it appear to come from? It appears...

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