Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

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It’s Never Too Late

I've been writing stuff since I was a little girl; I always thought of myself as a writer. But until 2019, I never wrote a book. Many of my friends have written lots of books; people have kept asking me why I didn't write one; I've thought about it often over many years, sometimes even agonized over it. I've started a couple of books, then abandoned the projects. I've helped other people write their books. Now, here I am with my first published book. I can hardly believe it myself....

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Dancing the Universe

This applies to things large and small. Universal, global, and personal. Everything. Everything, from the entire universe to the tiniest particle of matter is pulsing with one energy, the energy of creation. The energy of life that flows through us is the same energy that vibrates through galaxies, enables the wriggles of worms and the spinning of atoms and the explosion of supernovas. Every fleeting form is generated from that energy, so everything is energetically connected, all one spiritual dynamic. You don’t need to be a physicist to imagine this, although physics...

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What is “a Fresh Start”?

When most people think about a “fresh start,” they bring to mind a complicated series of choices and actions they can take to change their lives. Often that leads to frustration or discouragement because it seems like a big deal to people who are struggling with life. As I work with clients wanting to change, I realize that they are missing the true and only real source of change, a change in their own state of mind and level of understanding that allows them to see life through “new” eyes. It...

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Right and Wrong: Painful Thoughts

Many of my clients are intensely engaged in a fruitless, frustrating effort to prove others wrong, or to get others to say or do what they expect. They come in angry and resentful because these people are “ruining” their life or “making” them miserable. They hang their happiness on getting what they think they “need” from people they who have “let them down”. “When”, I always ask them, “is the last time you complied with an angry, accusatory person who insisted that you do or say something?” The usual response is, “Huh?”...

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Living a Dream

We are always living a dream. We cannot experience anything without thinking it first. Whatever thoughts we bring to mind create our experience, which lasts only as long as they are brought to mind. Our thoughts are uniquely our own; no two thinkers arrive at precisely the same thoughts, although many people can share a predilection for certain kinds of thoughts. So each life, truly, is a particular dream, experienced as it unfolds through each person's thinking. One of the first statements I saw from Sydney Banks is: "Life is a divine dream,...

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True Change: Beyond the Illusion

We all change a lot over time. We grow from babyhood through childhood and adulthood to old age, with all the physical and mental changes that accompany life stages. We gain and lose weight. We get in shape; we get out of shape. We change our hair. We adopt new styles. We change locations. We change relationships. We change professions. We change financial status. We change our preferences. We change our politics. We change our reading habits. We change our minds in the face of new information. Those "changes" are all illusions...

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