Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

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Smarter? or Wiser?

I've been involved in many situations where leaders were smarter than most of the people they were trying to influence, but were oblivious to the fact they were no wiser. That doesn't  work out very well. Being "the smartest person in the room" creates an opportunity for the leader to find the humility that enters hand-in-hand with wisdom. First of all, wisdom is the great equalizer.  All human beings have access to wisdom; no one person is innately wiser than another. It's always possible to sort people out by "smartness", but...

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How I met Leon

I don't tell this story often because, for people who aren't used to trusting the power of a calm state of mind, it is at best weird and at worst frightening. But it's true, and it happened to me in New York City in the early '90's, when my daughter was a student at New York University, living in a tiny apartment not large enough for me to stay with her. When I visited, I stayed at the Washington Square Park Hotel, several blocks from her. One night, while I was...

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Peace and passion, powerful together

Here's a great question one of my students asked me. "Is it really possible to have passion for life, passion for your ideals, passion for a cause, and still have peace of mind? Wouldn't peace of mind make you dispassionate and uninvolved?" The person who leaped to mind for me immediately is the Dalai Lama. I don't think there is anyone on the public stage today with a consistently quieter mind than the Dalai Lama. Yet he is a  relentless crusader for peace and good will. He has a profound passion...

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