Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

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What is “a Fresh Start”?

When most people think about a “fresh start,” they bring to mind a complicated series of choices and actions they can take to change their lives. Often that leads to frustration or discouragement because it seems like a big deal to people who are struggling with life. As I work with clients wanting to change, I realize that they are missing the true and only real source of change, a change in their own state of mind and level of understanding that allows them to see life through “new” eyes. It...

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Common Sense or Fear? Our choice.

Every time we get new information, we have a choice what to make of it. That choice has nothing to do with the information. It has to do with whether we understand how we bring our own thinking to life as reality. We don't choose the first thought that comes to mind. But every subsequent related thought and what we make of it is strictly up to us. The more deeply we understand our own spiritual nature, that we are generating our life experience by bringing thoughts to mind and then taking them more...

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Too Good to be True?

I shared some written stories and a video about people who had an insight about being the thinkers of their own thoughts, not the victims of circumstances, with someone new to the ideas of Innate Health recently.  His response was, "Yeah, I read the stories and I watched that video and I gave it a lot of thought. It's not that I don't believe that these are real people genuinely saying what they think happened to them. It's just that as far as I'm concerned, I think it's too good...

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