Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

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Upset smiley face

Do you ever get upset?

"I never see you upset. Do you ever get upset?" At least once or twice a week, someone asks me that question, as if they are expecting that someone who truly understood how the mind works must never be anything but calm and happy. So sorry, that's not how it works. There is no way to anticipate what might come into our minds, and sometimes, the thoughts we bring to our minds carry with them upset, angry, frustrated, negative feelings. Of course, I get upset, just like every other human being...

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What is a calm state of mind?

Let's start here: Calm is not merely the absence of stress and upset. People settle for that, but to settle is selling the infinite human potential short. "Well, I'm not upset and I'm not feeling totally stressed out, so I guess this is as good as it gets." Wrong! So very wrong! That's only the least bad it gets. Calm is not empty; it is full. Calm does not reflect the absence of trouble, dissatisfaction and ill will ; it reflects the presence of peace, gratitude and contentment. Calm is not a personal...

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Getting over “it”

Often people talk about distressing events in catastrophic terms. "I don't know how anyone will ever get over that!" Or, "It ruined my life; I'll never get over it." Or, "It was so awful, I'm not surprised he/she can't get over it." We talk as though there are "its" in life that track us and yap at our heels like indefatigable terriers after a fox. Once the moment of something is over, though, the only "it" is a memory. And what is a memory? It is a thought carried forward through...

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