War and Peace
It is ultimately a matter of war and peace whether people across the world come to understand the role of their own and others’ thinking and fluctuating states of mind.
One person at a time, when someone comes to understand how thought works and what is creating their experience of reality, they become increasingly secure. When a person feels secure, not living at the mercy of external factors, life does not look threatening. Secure people remain calm and exercise judgment, and look for insight and wisdom, rather than reacting or over-reacting without perspective. They recognize the power of beliefs within the context of knowing that each person becomes committed in their own way to their own beliefs, and nothing but their own insights will change their minds. They see with increasing clarity that people are all the same deep down: all people are constantly creating thoughts and then experiencing those thoughts as “reality”. Reality changes as our thoughts change. Knowing that, we lose our attachment to particular thoughts and gain awe for the very ability to keep thinking, to see beyond what we’ve thought so far. Respect for the shared human power to change keeps hope alive and allows us to see possibilities. It allows us peace within ourselves.
On the other hand, those who have no idea where thoughts come from and why reality looks different to different people are always prone to feel insecure, and cling to their thinking to ward off worsening insecurity. It is an either/or. Either we see the fluidity and creativity of thinking and understand that thoughts come and go and reality “shifts” as our thinking/feeling shifts — or we don’t see the fluidity of thinking and believe that thoughts have a life of their own and we have to hang onto our habitual thinking or fall prey to outside forces. Insecurity pushes people farther and farther away from tolerating differences and encourages the creation of elaborate systems of thought to make their own closely-held points of view feel/seem superior. It introduces the need to defend one’s position at all costs.
Two things are important to realize. Things that make absolute sense to us and seem quite obvious when we are insecure do not make any sense to us whatsoever when we are feeling secure. And the reverse is also true; things that seem quite appropriate and clear to us when we’re secure don’t make any sense at all when we are insecure. So as our states of mind change, the things we say, do and pursue are very different. A child who is angry and frustrated will stomp on and break a brand-new toy. In a quiet state, the child would pick up the toy and play with it.
What does this have to do with war and peace? War doesn’t come out of the blue. War starts to make more and more sense to people who are frightened and insecure and have no room in their thinking for “others”. People who are calm and secure experience peace in their hearts and minds, and thus seek and nurture peace.
Nations are assemblies of people who share a prevailing state of mind and perspective about the world. When people generally feel hopeful and optimistic, they make choices that reflect their level of security. They are inclusive and generous-spirited, and look for solutions that will do the least harm. When people start feeling frightened and pessimistic, they make choices that reflect their need to protect themselves and ward off enemies. They are exclusive and small-minded, and look for solutions that will keep them safe no matter if others experience harm. Out of a world dominated by leaders who live in fear and insecurity come many wars. The more brutal the fights, the more frightened people become, so they become trapped in a downward spiral of pain and despair. Nothing but war and more war makes sense to them — in that state of mind. In a moment of security, it would make no sense to them at all.
It is innocent because no one would choose killing and destruction if it appeared to them they actually had a choice. The key is understanding the illusion of that downward spiral, that insecurity breeds further insecurity until the moment we understand that all of it is built from our own thoughts. Stepping back, allowing the fear to pass and getting a fresh look can change everything.
Every human being on earth wants to have a happy life, but every human being on earth does not — yet — realize that that happiness is internally generated. No one has to suffer so that I will not suffer. When we realize that all people are creating their own thinking within the context of their own variable states of mind, we truly understand what creates human experience and behavior. We know not to pay attention to the thinking that comes to mind when we’re in an insecure, upset state of mind. And we know we can count on our thinking when our thoughts change and we feel calm and secure again. We navigate by the feeling of security. With the knowledge of how life is created from the inside out, we know that an instant of quiet into which one new thought comes can change everything. With that clarity about life, we know that peace is never more than a thought away, and we simply allow the thoughts that take us in the other direction to pass through our minds, just as we would watch a train cross the tracks, knowing that no matter how long it is, every train has a caboose!
“Thought, like the rudder of a ship, steers us to the safety of open waters or to the doom of rocky shores.” Sydney Banks, The Missing Link, p. 56.
marian brown
Another wonderful piece! Thank you again!
Joe Boyle
Thanks Judy, Great Sunday Morning reading. The phrase War and Peace just got
taken to a new level. I recall a moment sitting on the fantail of the ship I was on
as we were shuttling some of the first military into Vietnam. As I sat their in the quiet
instead of mostly bravado thoughts coming through their was a moment when I realized
the futility of war and simply wondered why the situation had to come to this,
what are these guy’s facing and how will they handle it. Having the privilege of
working over the years with many vet’s suffering from P.T.S.D. and watching as they
began to realize the True Nature of thought and how it formulated experience moment to moment plus the relationship to their State of mind transformation presented itself.
one of the men stated “the fog of war Joe is also a transformative experience and I
simply never saw that I was the creator of my experience and that I am the one who
innocently held those thoughts in place. I have never given much thought on how
different I see my experience when I am calm, wow what a transformative moment”.
We are so blessed to have innocently run across this gift, I am truly Grateful
to you Judy and all the other’s who are putting this into print in ways that it
accessible to as many eyes as possible
be well my friend.
Joe Boyle
Rich Wilson
Hi Judy. Such a great post! I had the great fortune to meet you in person and benefit from your guidance in Tampa a year or so past. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your site and especially your writing! It is always so clear and simple. Thank you for what you do and I hope to meet you again!
Mads Qwist
Thank you Judy. Your thoughts speaks to me and leaves me with a lovely feeling of hope for humanity! Love Mads